this was the picture we took. Very nice, it is nicer when you look at night. This actually was the tree in the jungle. They did not touch each other. So it form this shape.
During this activity, we still need to use the rope to go do the slope just like what first day we did it. When my group member had reach gather there, start raining. We were not moving, we were helping other groups to come down, no like other group, once they saw us, quickly run away. Then we were told to go back the hall. So, we followed what she told us, at last my group and eagle group had lost inside the jungle, but still can manage to find the road. Luckly!!! Later, both of this group cooperation/ combine to finish other question. We were not care the penalty that give if late, we just find something and we devide it. Finally we almost find out all the things, and we get 10 penalty marks for late pass up the question paper. But i dunno how we got 52 marks(have not deduct the 10 marks)2nd position, and eagle got 40++ (dunno deduct the marks or not) 5th position.
On the closing ceremony, each group must present something, and my group was the last one to present. Luckly we were the last one, cause our presentation were hurt other group member. We were present animal olympic, and only tapir, ladybird, elephant, orang utan and eagle were participate only. We have diving, hurdle, weightlifting and badminton, and the games the winner are ladybird, thay why other groups were to protest. Ha ha!!! Our group position in this camp was the last group, but is ok. Then gajah, eagle, orang utan and finally tapir still get no.1.
Before I reach home, I was quite disapointed, cause i hope the leech can suck my blood, i want to know what is the feeling. But after i reach home, i saw my leg was blooding. At night, my back was blooding also, and next days morning, i saw my shirt lots of bloods. Wow, three leech suck my blood when i reach home only know. My group member almost all have been suck by the leech, some more each day one, except on last day, jun hao get 2, and i get 3. Wow!!!! Other from my group only jeremy suck by the leech, other was ok.
Haha... It was nice that our groups worked together. I was actually quite scared when we sesat, but we made it tru! Ladygle rocks!!!
Yea, That right, i was happy that we can worked together. Eabird best. Ha ha!!!!
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