Saturday, February 28, 2009

What happen to me!!!!!!!!

This year onwards, i felt i have change lot, easy get influence by surrounding. Last year, i did not even thought want to run away from class, but this year i had just follow my friends to do so. And easy to believe the gossip from my friends .... WHAT HAPPEN TO ME..... Where is my personal???? How can i ask "them" to come back, and beside me.................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Caleb said...

Chee Hong, being easily influenced doesn't always mean it's a bad thing. You can choose to be influenced in a good way if you put yourself in the company of people with good character.

However, it's important to be more in control of how you are influenced. You must find yourself again and who you are is inside you. You just need to search for it. I'm sure you'll find it ;)

Chee Hong said...

Thank you,Mr. Caleb, your advise I'll remember it.