this week we start to enter the class. i really hope can start as fast as possible,but the first class in first week,there has no much class,because most of it just briefing. Next week will only look like start having class. This trimester i only have 4 subjects,math,physics,English and moral. this 4 subjects can say is interesting, i hope i can able to follow the class.
In this 1st week, what i dun like is the timetable. Sometimes i have to stay there until late evening then only have class. During the time, my friends all leave me and left me alone. I want to take a nap, but quite hard take nap in library. I try to study during that time,but i was so sleepy,cause i wake up very early. Lucky my lecture and classmate do not like this time table also,so we can change to time. I hope next week's time table will suit me,so won't sleepy during the class.
Bengkel Kuasai Penyuntingan (BM SPM)
7 months ago